Serenity Acres Farm
Chester, NY 13 miles
June 25th - 29th Ages 6-11 8am-12 Ages 12 & up 1pm-5pm. $300 a week.
June 25th - 29th Ages 6-11 8am-12 Ages 12 & up 1pm-5pm. $300 a week.
LONGING FOR A HORSE OF YOUR OWN?? Then Petit Galop could be a dream come true!!
We offer Adventure Day/Adventure Sleepaway Camp with a unique STEAM program.
Ramaquois is a day camp as complete as a sleepaway camp. Ramaquois welcomes campers from Westchester, Bergen, Rockland and Manhattan. Air-conditioned, door to door transportation provided.
Designed to help students plan, prepare and gain and appointment to a United States Service Academy.
Deer Mountain Day Camp is a respected day camp in the Tri-State area. We provide fun, safe summers for campers.
There's no wifi here, but your child will find a better connection.